

Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Will antibiotics cure an infected root canal?

Can antibiotics prevent root canal treatment? Every 2 out of 5 patients have this question.

Well, antibiotics can certainly help to lessen the discomfort and pain in a tooth, but they are definitely not a remedy to prevent a root canal. Once the nerve is damaged/ruptured, it needs to be removed via root canal treatment.

When to use Antibiotics?
When the infection is considerably increasing, it can make root canal treatment more complex for the dentist and distressing for the patient. In such a case, a round of antibiotics can make the surgery run more manageable as the tooth is easier to be numbed.

If your dentist prescribes an antibiotic, it is mainly to control the infection until suitable treatment is provided to solve the pain. The discomfort may reduce or presently go away but since antibiotics do not cure the infected spot very well, the bacteria can remain, return, or take a back seat if the reason for the condition is not correctly addressed.

Root canal treatment is the only way to pull out, remove the infected nerve, and protect the tooth.

How long does an antibiotic take to work?
It depends on various aspects, such as the severity of the condition and how effectively the medication can stop the bacteria from spreading.

A person may start to see symptoms after a couple of doses. So after completing the full round of antibiotics, as prescribed by the doctor, it helps to stop the infection from coming back or becoming prevalent.

Although antibiotics may remove tooth infections, they are solely one part of the solution. Most tooth infections require an appropriate dental procedure, like a root canal, extraction, etc., to remove tooth infection.

Immediate treatment is essential to control the infection from leaking. Some beneficial home treatments may support controlling swelling or relieve the pain while preparing for the dental treatments.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!