

Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

When To Buy Your Child An Electric Toothbrush

Explaining the importance of oral hygiene to children from a young age helps in fewer issues in motivating them than starting late. As infants, you must use a soft cloth to clean the insides of their mouth, and as they grow, you can introduce age-appropriate tools for dental hygiene. 

But if your kid is still making a big deal out of brushing their teeth, you might consider using electric toothbrushes as kids find them fun, and the oral regime can become enjoyable for you and your child.

But before you introduce the electric toothbrush to your child, you must know whether the kid is ready for it. From a safety standpoint, kids above the age of three are suitable to use automatic brushes. 

But whether you should introduce this new tool to them or not depends on many factors that we will discuss in this article

Why Would You Consider An Electric Toothbrush For Your Kid?

Parents feel that one of the most significant benefits of using automatic brushes for their kids is the newfound enthusiasm in them towards brushing their teeth. The excitement makes it easier for parents to guide their kids in maintaining proper oral hygiene.

  • The brushing process is more fun with electric toothbrushes – Many manufacturers have unique designs and models for children, having brushing heads sizes suitable for kids along with fun colors and handles with character themes. Moreover, if you also use an automatic brush for cleaning your mouth, your child will want to do it even more. 
  • Automatic brushes get rid of more plaque than manual ones – As per many studies, electric brushes can get rid of more plaque compared to manual ones. We all know that the quality of brushing is as important as how many times you brush (which means you brush twice for two minutes). To incorporate this timing, many automatic brushes for kids have inbuilt two-minute timers so that kids understand how long they need to brush.
  • Some kids love the sensation – Some kids like the buzzing sound and the vibrations of an automatic brush in their mouths. Kids with reduced mobility can benefit immensely from such brushes. However, you must be cautious with kids who have sensory issues, as they can get scared by all the vibrations and noise.

What Is The Ideal Age For Introducing An Electric Toothbrush To My Child?

In general, kids above the age of three can handle an automatic brush, but it could depend on your child.

  • Most dental professionals usually recommend introducing these tools between six to eight years of age, but if you feel that your child lacks motivation and an electric brush could help, then you can consider using them earlier, provided you guide and supervise them when they brush.
  • Never force a child to use the automatic toothbrush as it could form a lasting negative feeling in them towards oral hygiene.
  • Most parents would know when their child is ready for this tool as the child might ask for it by themselves.

What To Consider While Buying An Electric Toothbrush For Your Kid?

When selecting an automatic brush for either yourself or your kid, it is vital that it is of the highest quality. You can damage your kids’ teeth by using poor-quality brushes. Here are a few factors to consider while buying this tool for your kid:

  • Shape and size of the head – You should go for a child-sized head so the brush reaches all the nooks and corners of your child’s mouth. Since kids have small mouths that are still developing, it is essential to select the right brush for a thorough cleaning.
  • Power source – Go for a brush that has a rechargeable battery (in place of battery-operated ones), as they tend to be safer and of higher quality than their counterpart.
  • Quality of bristles – A high-quality toothbrush will have bristles that are gentle yet effective in removing plaque. In contrast, a lower-quality brush’s bristles are made of a cheaper material that can be highly abrasive to the enamels. You must invest in a brush with high-quality bristles to not damage your kid’s teeth.

Summing Up

You can usually start your child with an electric toothbrush after age three, but consider your child’s inclination to use the automatic tool before beginning with it. For a kid who is not motivated to brush his teeth, an electric toothbrush can add enthusiasm and make brushing fun which aids in maintaining proper dental hygiene.