

Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

What happens if you don’t take your dentures out at night?

When it comes to the question of whether or not to wear your dentures to bed, the answer is probably no. Dentures may give you more confidence and make you feel better about your mouth but they probably shouldn’t be worn in bed.

Sleeping with your dentures isn’t recommended because your gums need to rest at night. Although you may wonder if you can sleep with partial dentures in your mouth, it is still wise to remove them before you go to sleep. There may be issues with the denture, and it’s always better to be on the safe side.

There is evidence that a person who wears dentures during sleep is at greater risk of diseases and illnesses like pneumonia and issues such as gum and tongue plaque, gum inflammation, and poor oral hygiene habits.

In addition, by leaving your dentures in at night and not brushing and caring for your gums, you can create an environment that favors oral bacteria and fungus, leading to problems like odors and irritation. As a result, to answer the question of ‘can you wear false teeth to bed,’ it would be best if you avoided it.

Why shouldn’t you wear dentures to bed?
One problem with wearing dentures at all times is that it could worsen bone loss, already an issue with dentures. Chewing on our natural teeth stimulates the growth of new bone to replace old bone cells. However, this stimulation is lost when teeth fall out. Despite the best dentures, bone loss remains a possibility.

As a result of wearing them constantly, the gums cannot rest, resulting in further bone loss. Bone loss affects both your oral health and the fit of your dentures, making them difficult to wear. Furthermore, not taking your dentures out at night may result in less frequent cleanings. Poor cleaning of dentures may lead to bacterial growth and infection. 

The problem isn’t just with your mouth. A person who wears their dentures continuously is twice as likely to develop life-threatening pneumonia as a person who removes their dentures regularly.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!