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What happens after your last Invisalign tray?

Invisalign is a method of straightening teeth using clear plastic trays. Have you wondered what happens when your final Invisalign tray comes off? Invisalign is an alternative to traditional, metal braces. During a typical Invisalign timeline, you will wear a series of clear, plastic aligner trays that will fit over your teeth. Over time, your teeth will straighten. Invisalign procedures typically last six months to a year, depending upon how much treatment is needed.

After the final tray comes off and your results are verified, you can expect to start wearing an Invisalign retainer. Retainers are a necessary part of your treatment because they keep your teeth from going back to their original position.

There is the traditional wire retainer that has a custom-fit plastic piece that fits the roof of your mouth. The second option is a clear plastic retainer that fits very much as the Invisalign trays did.

These Vivera retainers are custom-made from the same material as the Invisalign trays. Your orthodontist will tell you how often you need to wear your retainer, but typically it will be full time, then gradually decreasing to nighttime wear only. It’s important to follow recommendations so you can keep your straight smile.

Note that the surrounding jawbone only partially holds your teeth into place. During the Invisalign treatment, your jawbone may have softened up and lost its strength (resorption), which means your teeth can easily slide back into their original positions.

Therefore, after you stop wearing Invisalign braces, Invisalign retainers are necessary to hold the teeth into place while the new bone gets deposited. It takes roughly 9 – 12 months for the bone to develop to stabilize the new teeth’ positions fully.

Lastly, if you face any problem with your Invisalign treatment it is essential to consult your dentist for proper treatment.