

Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

How To Help Your Kids Prevent Cavities This Summer

Kids are more likely to develop cavities during summer because they are having fun, relaxing, and not paying attention to their routines or eating habits. Keeping your children’s oral hygiene habits on track may require extra effort, with the school and the disrupted routines of summer. Summer is a great time to teach your kids about cavity prevention, and here are some tips that will help you do the same:

  • Limit sugary snacks and drinks

It is common for kids to indulge in sugary snacks and drinks during the summer. A diet high in sugar can, however, lead to cavities. To help your kids prevent cavities, limit their sugary snacks and drinks intake. Encourage them to choose healthier options such as fresh fruits, vegetables, water, and milk. If your child does consume sugary snacks or drinks, have them rinse their mouth with water afterward to help wash away any remaining sugar.

  • Encourage good oral hygiene habits

Good oral hygiene habits are essential year-round but necessary during the summer when routines can be disrupted. Encourage your children to brush and floss daily and use fluoride and soft-bristled toothbrushes. Be sure to supervise your child as they brush to ensure they do it correctly. While they brush, you can also play a song or set a timer to make it more fun.

  • Schedule a dental checkup

Summer is a great time to schedule a dental checkup for your kids. In order to prevent oral cavity and dental issues from worsening, regular dental checkups can help identify them early. Your child’s dentist can also guide how to maintain good oral hygiene habits and identify areas needing extra attention.

  • Use dental sealants

Sealants protect the chewing surfaces of the back teeth by coating them with a protective layer. They help prevent cavities by sealing off the grooves and crevices where food particles can get trapped. Dental sealants are safe, painless, and can last for several years. Make an appointment with your child’s dentist to find out if dental sealants are a good option.

  • Stay hydrated

The benefits of drinking water for overall health and preventing cavities also extend to oral health. Cavities can be prevented by washing away food particles and bacteria with water. Water is essential to your child’s diet, particularly after meals and snacks, and encourage them to drink water throughout the day.

  • Limit acidic foods and drinks

Tooth enamel can be weakened by acidic foods and beverages, leaving teeth more susceptible to decay and cavity. Be sure to limit your child’s consumption of acidic foods and beverages such as citrus fruits, soda, and sports drinks. Whenever your child consumes acidic foods or drinks, have them rinse their mouths with water afterward to neutralize its effect.

  • Wear a mouthguard during sports

Sporting activities are popular during summer, and mouthguards can protect your teeth from dental injuries. Sporting activities often result in teeth being knocked out or broken, and mouthguards can protect you from these injuries. Consult your child’s dentist to determine whether they need a custom-fitted mouthguard. 

  • Model good oral hygiene habits

Children learn by example, so it’s important to model good oral hygiene habits yourself. Ensure you brush and floss regularly and visit the dentist for regular checkups. Encourage your kids to join you in these habits and make it a family affair. Following a good oral regime will keep cavity and enamel build-up at bay.

Summer is a time of fun and relaxation, but taking extra steps to help your kids prevent cavities is essential. Limit sugary snacks and drinks, encourage good oral hygiene habits, schedule a dental checkup, use dental sealants, stay hydrated, limit acidic foods and beverages, and help them maintain good oral hygiene habits. Take these steps to ensure your kids have healthy dental hygiene during the summer holidays.