

Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

What Happens If Your Dentures Don’t Fit Properly

Wearing dentures is also an art because if you don’t wear them properly you might come across a lot of mouth problems. An ultimate solution to tooth loss, dentures, are designed to be more comfortable and natural looking than they used to be in the past. So, missing out on denture care could mean inviting a lot of problems for your oral health. A loose denture could also cause changes in your facial features. However, if you don’t take proper care of your dentures, problems can occur.

Listed below are some of the common denture problems experienced by people. Let’s take a look:

It is very important to keep your mouth clean when you start wearing dentures otherwise the following problems may occur:

  • Gum irritation
  • Problems while speaking and eating
  • Dentures that move around your mouth
  • Mouth infection

How to Treat Denture Problems:

Make Sure Your Dentures Fit
Your bones and gums keep evolving with the time passing and your dentures won’t fit as well. When this happens, your dentures need to be adjusted and modified as well. Don’t adjust your dentures by your own.

Take a Note of What You Are Eating
It is recommended to eat soft food like egg and yogurt. Do not eat anything that sticks to the mouth. Chew your food slowly. While chewing, use both sides of the mouth at the same time. This prevents dentures from moving or tipping. Eating becomes easier once you get used to your dentures.

Clean Your Mouth Daily
Clean your gums and also massage them properly before putting in. This helps to keep your mouth clean.

Avoid Using Toothpicks
Toothpicks are biggest enemies to dentures. It is recommended not to use toothpicks when wearing dentures.

At first, you may take a lot of time getting used to wearing dentures but once you are ready, you would not face such problems every now and then. Proper care can keep your dentures in good shape. When you are not wearing your dentures, you should keep them in water or a solution. Proper care and regular dental visits will keep your dentures stay in shape for a long time.

If you are tired of poorly fitted dentures, connect with our dentist today. They will help you understand when your dentures need to be replaced. Meanwhile, you can take care of your dentures at home.

Book Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.