

Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Does coffee cause dental problems?

Coffee has many benefits, such as making us feel more alert, increasing our metabolism, increasing heart rate, and improving digestion. But what is its effect on our teeth? If you are a beverage lover and drink 4-5 cups of coffee in a day, then you should pay attention to this article. 

Have you ever thought the same substance that stains clothes can also stain your teeth? Well, it is true in the case of coffee. Most such beverages, for example, espresso, contain components called tannins, which is a polyphenol that dissolves in water and can cause staining. 

This type of compound can leave a yellow hue when it sticks to a surface or your teeth. Moreover, stained teeth can occur with just one cup of coffee daily. But there is nothing to worry about, as you can still save your smile even if you are fond of drinking different beverages.

How can coffee cause dental problems? 

It’s important to know that too much coffee can ruin your smile, regardless of its health benefits. The acidity of this beverage can erode your enamel and increase the risk of cavities. It can also cause tooth sensitivity as your enamel thins. 

You are also at risk of tooth decay if you sweeten it with sugar or creamers. A sugar-saliva mixture can cause enamel erosion by forming an acidic plaque.

It has also been found that coffee is sometimes linked to halitosis. Acidity and sugar contribute to the lingering scent, as well as the development of decay-causing bacteria.

High consumption of such beverages may also cause your teeth to discolor in addition to causing cavities and bad breath. As a result of the acidity of its solution, fused with enamel loss, it can make the yellowish dentin of your teeth more visible, causing more dental problems. 

In addition, all these things combined can significantly impact your oral health. And let us be honest; no one likes to see their teeth get yellow and badly stained because it makes a bad first impression. 

How can you care for your teeth and other dental problems caused by such beverages? 

To avoid staining, cut back and drink less of your morning beverage if you can’t give it up. If you drink only one cup of coffee in the morning, switch to green tea at night. In this way, you can prevent serious dental problems.

Additionally, you may want to drink your iced beverage through a straw to lower the risk of staining. Once you’ve rinsed your mouth with water after drinking coffee, brush your teeth about 30 minutes later, not earlier than that!

Coffee is an acidic beverage, as mentioned earlier. If you brush your teeth right after drinking anything acidic, you are weakening the enamel of your teeth and causing them to stain.

Additionally, a dentist recommends that after drinking a drink that is acidic, you rinse your mouth with water or eat some cheese to neutralize its effect.

Lastly, after having your morning coffee, wait one hour before brushing your teeth to allow the enamel in your teeth to harden to avoid any dental problems. 

Do you have to leave coffee if you want to keep oral issues at bay? 

Well, the good news is you don’t have to leave your favorite morning drink entirely, but you have to keep an eye on the quantity you consume. As we all know, anything in excess can harm your health, and the same goes for coffee.

Therefore, to keep oral health issues bay caused by drinking acidic beverages, you must follow a proper brushing and flossing routine, and if you see any of the above-mentioned issues rising, consult your dentist immediately.