

Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Do Braces Hurt?

Frequently, people wonder if braces cause discomfort or pain when placed. When braces are fixed to the teeth, they do not cause any pain in most cases, so there is no need to worry about their placement.

Following the engagement of the orthodontic wire into the newly positioned brackets, mild discomfort may last for some days or weeks. However, this experience is not the same for everyone. 

In general, most patients encounter some discomfort the first 3- 4 days to a week after their braces are set or attached to the teeth. However, if the pain is not going away you must consult a dentist.

We have put together all the crucial information about the teeth straightening devices in this article for you, so you don’t have to worry about how much they hurt!

How much pain or discomfort to expect from the braces?

As mentioned above the pain and discomfort during the placement of orthodontic devices is subjective. For some patients, it is less and for some, it is comparatively more. 

Getting braces for the first time: Generally, when you are getting an orthodontic or teeth straightening device implanted in your teeth for the first time it can cause a little pain or little to no discomfort.  

Your dentist will apply a special glue to your teeth so that your braces can stay in position. And after that, he will fix the brackets onto each of your teeth and then the wire. This process can cause some pressure but it won’t cause pain.

However, once you are done with getting the device fixed in your teeth you can experience the following things: 

  • When chewing, you might feel pressure on your teeth and gums
  • Feeling pain or sores inside your cheeks
  • When you run your tongue over the new braces, you might experience discomfort or cuts.

Though, all these things will subside once you get used to the device.

Getting your braces fixed: Just like any other orthodontic device you have to visit your dentist to get your teeth straightening device fixed and tightened. This process may hurt some a little for some patients. 

These appointments are used to evaluate your teeth and check how much pressure is being applied by your braces. A few days after getting your devices tightened, you may feel uncomfortable or have sore gums.

Afterward, you should not feel any discomfort, and the pressure on your teeth will gradually become accustomed to it.

When the treatment is over: Lastly, getting your braces removed should not cause any pain and discomfort. Your orthodontic treatment isn’t over once your devices come off, but getting them off is indeed a relief. 

The next step will be wearing a retainer. This is a custom-made orthodontic tool made from plastic that will save your teeth from getting misaligned again. 

However, this process is painless but you can experience some amount of discomfort if your retainer has metal wires. But it is not unbearable.

Some tips to combat the pain from braces

  • Rinsing the mouth with warm salt water containing one teaspoon of salt per eight ounces.
  • Soups, ice cream, and yogurt are soft foods that do not require much chewing so eat that.
  • Consuming cold drinks or foods.
  • Using an ice pack covered with a cloth.
  • Foods that can dislodge braces, such as sticky foods, chewing gums, and candy, should be avoided.
  • Maintaining proper oral hygiene to prevent tooth decay between braces and teeth.

Lastly, it is very important to know when to see a dentist. If the pain in your gums and teeth is persistent after getting the teeth straightening device and making doing other day-to-day activities difficult then you must seek immediate medical attention.